about me 🍕

001. Name: Michelle Venia
002. Nickname(s): Michelle, Venia
003. Status: alonee
004. Zodiac sign: Libra
005. Male or female: Female
006. Elementary School: SD Taman Harapan malang
007. Middle School: SMPK Santa Maria II Malang
008. High School: ----
009. Smart: drawing..
010. Hair color: Black
011. Tall or short: kasih tau ndak ya..
012. Loud or Quiet: Quiet 
013. Sweats or Jeans: Jeans
014. Phone or Camera: Phone. IPhone.
015. Health freak: nope
016. Drink or Smoke: Nope
017. Do you have a crush on someone: Yes!!! all the time
018. Eat or Drink: absolutely !
019. Piercings: baby
020. Tattoos: noooo
021. Foods you dislike: jengkoll
022. Right or left-handed: Right-handed

Firsts :

023. First Piercings: waktu bayi
024. First best friend: i dont know
025. First award: ...
026. First crush: someone
027. First pet: fish
028. First big vacation: ----
029. First concert: Pensi
030. First big birthday: forget
031. First big fight: with my brother
032. First sport: Run
033. First enemy: My brother
034. First phobia: clown and cat
035. First celebrity idol: ---
036. First clique: 6 SD
037. First bad impression: cutee

Currently :

038. Eating: no
039. Drinking: Yes
040. Listening to: ---
041. About to: Typing
042. Waiting for: a beautiful present from boy
043. Wearing: baju santai
044. Worried about: nilai sekolah
045. Loving: God, Parents, friends
046. Missing: You

any question????

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